1 2 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) # see ../CMakeLists.txt for why 2.8 3 4 if(POLICY CMP0075) 5 cmake_policy(SET CMP0075 NEW) 6 endif() 7 8 include(CheckSymbolExists) 9 include(CheckIncludeFile) 10 include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) 11 12 # First, sort out whether we're running inside a json-c build, 13 # or standalone, such as part of a benchmark build. 14 15 if ("${PROJECT_NAME}" STREQUAL "json-c") 16 # Part of an overall json-c build 17 set(APPS_LINK_LIBS "${PROJECT_NAME}") 18 19 # We know we have this in our current sources: 20 set(HAVE_JSON_TOKENER_GET_PARSE_END) 21 22 else() 23 24 # Standalone mode, using an already installed json-c library, somewhere. 25 # The path to the json-c install must be specified with -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=... 26 27 project(apps) 28 find_package(PkgConfig) 29 30 # PkgConfig is supposed to include CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in the PKG_CONFIG_PATH 31 # that's used when running pkg-config, but it just doesn't work :( 32 # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/18150 33 #set(PKG_CONFIG_USE_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH True) 34 35 # Instead, we handle it explicitly here and update PKG_CONFIG_PATH ourselves. 36 if (NOT CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH) 37 message(FATAL_ERROR "Please specify -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=... when running cmake.") 38 endif() 39 40 # Note: find_file isn't recursive :( 41 find_file(PC_FILE_PATH "json-c.pc" 42 PATHS "${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}/lib64" "${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}/lib" 43 PATH_SUFFIXES "pkgconfig" 44 NO_DEFAULT_PATH) 45 get_filename_component(PC_DIR_PATH "${PC_FILE_PATH}" DIRECTORY) 46 set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:${PC_DIR_PATH}") 47 message(STATUS "PC_FILE_PATH=${PC_FILE_PATH}") 48 message(STATUS "PC_DIR_PATH=${PC_DIR_PATH}") 49 50 pkg_check_modules(PC_JSONC json-c) 51 if (PC_JSONC_FOUND) 52 message(STATUS "Found json-c using pkg-config: ${PC_JSONC_PREFIX}") 53 message(STATUS " PC_JSONC_INCLUDE_DIRS=${PC_JSONC_INCLUDE_DIRS}") 54 message(STATUS " PC_JSONC_LIBRARIES=${PC_JSONC_LIBRARIES}") 55 message(STATUS " PC_JSONC_LIBRARY_DIRS=${PC_JSONC_LIBRARY_DIRS}") 56 link_directories(${PC_JSONC_LIBRARY_DIRS}) 57 include_directories(${PC_JSONC_INCLUDE_DIRS}) 58 # for target_link_libraries(...) 59 set(APPS_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PC_JSONC_INCLUDE_DIRS}) 60 set(APPS_LINK_DIRS ${PC_JSONC_LIBRARY_DIRS}) 61 set(APPS_LINK_LIBS ${PC_JSONC_LIBRARIES}) 62 else() 63 message(STATUS "Using find_package to locate json-c") 64 65 # Note: find_package needs CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH set appropriately. 66 # XXX json-c's installed cmake files don't actually set up what's 67 # needed to use find_package() by itself, so we're just using it 68 # to confirm the top of the install location. 69 find_package(json-c CONFIG) # sets json-c_DIR 70 71 # Assume json-c-config.cmake is in lib64/cmake/json-c/ 72 get_filename_component(json-c_TOP "${json-c_DIR}/../../.." ABSOLUTE) 73 get_filename_component(json-c_LIBDIR "${json-c_DIR}/../.." ABSOLUTE) 74 75 message(STATUS " json-c_TOP=${json-c_TOP}") 76 message(STATUS " json-c_DIR=${json-c_DIR}") 77 message(STATUS " json-c_LIBDIR=${json-c_LIBDIR}") 78 79 link_directories(${json-c_LIBDIR}) 80 include_directories(${json-c_TOP}/include) 81 include_directories(${json-c_TOP}/include/json-c) 82 set(APPS_LINK_DIRS "${json-c_LIBDIR}") 83 set(APPS_INCLUDE_DIRS "${json-c_TOP}/include;${json-c_TOP}/include/json-c") 84 85 set(APPS_LINK_LIBS json-c) 86 endif() 87 88 set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LINK_OPTIONS "-L${APPS_LINK_DIRS}") 89 set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${APPS_LINK_LIBS}) 90 set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${APPS_INCLUDE_DIRS}) 91 check_symbol_exists(json_tokener_get_parse_end "json_tokener.h" HAVE_JSON_TOKENER_GET_PARSE_END) 92 93 endif() # end "standalone mode" block 94 95 # --------------------------------- 96 97 check_include_file(sys/resource.h HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H) # for getrusage 98 if (HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H) 99 check_symbol_exists(getrusage "sys/resource.h" HAVE_GETRUSAGE) 100 endif() 101 102 configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/apps_config.h.in 103 ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/apps_config.h) 104 message(STATUS "Wrote ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/apps_config.h") 105 106 # --------------------------------- 107 108 include_directories(PUBLIC ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) 109 include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}) 110 include_directories(${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}) 111 112 # --------------------------------- 113 114 # Now, finally, the actual executables we're building: 115 116 add_executable(json_parse json_parse.c) 117 target_link_libraries(json_parse PRIVATE ${APPS_LINK_LIBS}) 118 119 # Note: it is intentional that there are no install instructions here yet. 120 # When/if the interface of the app(s) listed here settles down enough to 121 # publish as part of a regular build that will be added. 122
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