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  1 /*
  2  * $Id: linkhash.h,v 1.6 2006/01/30 23:07:57 mclark Exp $
  3  *
  4  * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Metaparadigm Pte. Ltd.
  5  * Michael Clark <michael@metaparadigm.com>
  6  * Copyright (c) 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
  7  *
  8  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  9  * it under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for details.
 10  *
 11  */
 13 /**
 14  * @file
 15  * @brief Internal methods for working with json_type_object objects.  Although
 16  *        this is exposed by the json_object_get_object() function and within the
 17  *        json_object_iter type, it is not recommended for direct use.
 18  */
 19 #ifndef _linkhash_h_
 20 #define _linkhash_h_
 22 #include "json_object.h"
 24 #ifdef __cplusplus
 25 extern "C" {
 26 #endif
 28 /**
 29  * golden prime used in hash functions
 30  */
 31 #define LH_PRIME 0x9e370001UL
 33 /**
 34  * The fraction of filled hash buckets until an insert will cause the table
 35  * to be resized.
 36  * This can range from just above 0 up to 1.0.
 37  */
 38 #define LH_LOAD_FACTOR 0.66
 40 /**
 41  * sentinel pointer value for empty slots
 42  */
 43 #define LH_EMPTY (void *)-1
 45 /**
 46  * sentinel pointer value for freed slots
 47  */
 48 #define LH_FREED (void *)-2
 50 /**
 51  * default string hash function
 52  */
 53 #define JSON_C_STR_HASH_DFLT 0
 55 /**
 56  * perl-like string hash function
 57  */
 60 /**
 61  * This function sets the hash function to be used for strings.
 62  * Must be one of the JSON_C_STR_HASH_* values.
 63  * @returns 0 - ok, -1 if parameter was invalid
 64  */
 65 int json_global_set_string_hash(const int h);
 67 struct lh_entry;
 69 /**
 70  * callback function prototypes
 71  */
 72 typedef void(lh_entry_free_fn)(struct lh_entry *e);
 73 /**
 74  * callback function prototypes
 75  */
 76 typedef unsigned long(lh_hash_fn)(const void *k);
 77 /**
 78  * callback function prototypes
 79  */
 80 typedef int(lh_equal_fn)(const void *k1, const void *k2);
 82 /**
 83  * An entry in the hash table
 84  */
 85 struct lh_entry
 86 {
 87         /**
 88          * The key.  Use lh_entry_k() instead of accessing this directly.
 89          */
 90         const void *k;
 91         /**
 92          * A flag for users of linkhash to know whether or not they
 93          * need to free k.
 94          */
 95         int k_is_constant;
 96         /**
 97          * The value.  Use lh_entry_v() instead of accessing this directly.
 98          */
 99         const void *v;
100         /**
101          * The next entry
102          */
103         struct lh_entry *next;
104         /**
105          * The previous entry.
106          */
107         struct lh_entry *prev;
108 };
110 /**
111  * The hash table structure.
112  */
113 struct lh_table
114 {
115         /**
116          * Size of our hash.
117          */
118         int size;
119         /**
120          * Numbers of entries.
121          */
122         int count;
124         /**
125          * The first entry.
126          */
127         struct lh_entry *head;
129         /**
130          * The last entry.
131          */
132         struct lh_entry *tail;
134         struct lh_entry *table;
136         /**
137          * A pointer onto the function responsible for freeing an entry.
138          */
139         lh_entry_free_fn *free_fn;
140         lh_hash_fn *hash_fn;
141         lh_equal_fn *equal_fn;
142 };
143 typedef struct lh_table lh_table;
145 /**
146  * Convenience list iterator.
147  */
148 #define lh_foreach(table, entry) for (entry = table->head; entry; entry = entry->next)
150 /**
151  * lh_foreach_safe allows calling of deletion routine while iterating.
152  *
153  * @param table a struct lh_table * to iterate over
154  * @param entry a struct lh_entry * variable to hold each element
155  * @param tmp a struct lh_entry * variable to hold a temporary pointer to the next element
156  */
157 #define lh_foreach_safe(table, entry, tmp) \
158         for (entry = table->head; entry && ((tmp = entry->next) || 1); entry = tmp)
160 /**
161  * Create a new linkhash table.
162  *
163  * @param size initial table size. The table is automatically resized
164  * although this incurs a performance penalty.
165  * @param free_fn callback function used to free memory for entries
166  * when lh_table_free or lh_table_delete is called.
167  * If NULL is provided, then memory for keys and values
168  * must be freed by the caller.
169  * @param hash_fn  function used to hash keys. 2 standard ones are defined:
170  * lh_ptr_hash and lh_char_hash for hashing pointer values
171  * and C strings respectively.
172  * @param equal_fn comparison function to compare keys. 2 standard ones defined:
173  * lh_ptr_hash and lh_char_hash for comparing pointer values
174  * and C strings respectively.
175  * @return On success, a pointer to the new linkhash table is returned.
176  *      On error, a null pointer is returned.
177  */
178 extern struct lh_table *lh_table_new(int size, lh_entry_free_fn *free_fn, lh_hash_fn *hash_fn,
179                                      lh_equal_fn *equal_fn);
181 /**
182  * Convenience function to create a new linkhash table with char keys.
183  *
184  * @param size initial table size.
185  * @param free_fn callback function used to free memory for entries.
186  * @return On success, a pointer to the new linkhash table is returned.
187  *      On error, a null pointer is returned.
188  */
189 extern struct lh_table *lh_kchar_table_new(int size, lh_entry_free_fn *free_fn);
191 /**
192  * Convenience function to create a new linkhash table with ptr keys.
193  *
194  * @param size initial table size.
195  * @param free_fn callback function used to free memory for entries.
196  * @return On success, a pointer to the new linkhash table is returned.
197  *      On error, a null pointer is returned.
198  */
199 extern struct lh_table *lh_kptr_table_new(int size, lh_entry_free_fn *free_fn);
201 /**
202  * Free a linkhash table.
203  *
204  * If a lh_entry_free_fn callback free function was provided then it is
205  * called for all entries in the table.
206  *
207  * @param t table to free.
208  */
209 extern void lh_table_free(struct lh_table *t);
211 /**
212  * Insert a record into the table.
213  *
214  * @param t the table to insert into.
215  * @param k a pointer to the key to insert.
216  * @param v a pointer to the value to insert.
217  *
218  * @return On success, <code>0</code> is returned.
219  *      On error, a negative value is returned.
220  */
221 extern int lh_table_insert(struct lh_table *t, const void *k, const void *v);
223 /**
224  * Insert a record into the table using a precalculated key hash.
225  *
226  * The hash h, which should be calculated with lh_get_hash() on k, is provided by
227  *  the caller, to allow for optimization when multiple operations with the same
228  *  key are known to be needed.
229  *
230  * @param t the table to insert into.
231  * @param k a pointer to the key to insert.
232  * @param v a pointer to the value to insert.
233  * @param h hash value of the key to insert
234  * @param opts if set to JSON_C_OBJECT_KEY_IS_CONSTANT, sets lh_entry.k_is_constant
235  *             so t's free function knows to avoid freeing the key.
236  */
237 extern int lh_table_insert_w_hash(struct lh_table *t, const void *k, const void *v,
238                                   const unsigned long h, const unsigned opts);
240 /**
241  * Lookup a record in the table.
242  *
243  * @param t the table to lookup
244  * @param k a pointer to the key to lookup
245  * @return a pointer to the record structure of the value or NULL if it does not exist.
246  */
247 extern struct lh_entry *lh_table_lookup_entry(struct lh_table *t, const void *k);
249 /**
250  * Lookup a record in the table using a precalculated key hash.
251  *
252  * The hash h, which should be calculated with lh_get_hash() on k, is provided by
253  *  the caller, to allow for optimization when multiple operations with the same
254  *  key are known to be needed.
255  *
256  * @param t the table to lookup
257  * @param k a pointer to the key to lookup
258  * @param h hash value of the key to lookup
259  * @return a pointer to the record structure of the value or NULL if it does not exist.
260  */
261 extern struct lh_entry *lh_table_lookup_entry_w_hash(struct lh_table *t, const void *k,
262                                                      const unsigned long h);
264 /**
265  * Lookup a record in the table.
266  *
267  * @param t the table to lookup
268  * @param k a pointer to the key to lookup
269  * @param v a pointer to a where to store the found value (set to NULL if it doesn't exist).
270  * @return whether or not the key was found
271  */
272 extern json_bool lh_table_lookup_ex(struct lh_table *t, const void *k, void **v);
274 /**
275  * Delete a record from the table.
276  *
277  * If a callback free function is provided then it is called for the
278  * for the item being deleted.
279  * @param t the table to delete from.
280  * @param e a pointer to the entry to delete.
281  * @return 0 if the item was deleted.
282  * @return -1 if it was not found.
283  */
284 extern int lh_table_delete_entry(struct lh_table *t, struct lh_entry *e);
286 /**
287  * Delete a record from the table.
288  *
289  * If a callback free function is provided then it is called for the
290  * for the item being deleted.
291  * @param t the table to delete from.
292  * @param k a pointer to the key to delete.
293  * @return 0 if the item was deleted.
294  * @return -1 if it was not found.
295  */
296 extern int lh_table_delete(struct lh_table *t, const void *k);
298 extern int lh_table_length(struct lh_table *t);
300 /**
301  * Resizes the specified table.
302  *
303  * @param t Pointer to table to resize.
304  * @param new_size New table size. Must be positive.
305  *
306  * @return On success, <code>0</code> is returned.
307  *      On error, a negative value is returned.
308  */
309 int lh_table_resize(struct lh_table *t, int new_size);
311 /**
312  * @deprecated Don't use this outside of linkhash.h:
313  */
314 #if (defined(AIX_CC) || (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1800)) )
315 /* VS2010 can't handle inline funcs, so skip it there */
316 #define _LH_INLINE
317 #else
318 #define _LH_INLINE inline
319 #endif
321 /**
322  * Calculate the hash of a key for a given table.
323  *
324  * This is an exension to support functions that need to calculate
325  * the hash several times and allows them to do it just once and then pass
326  * in the hash to all utility functions. Depending on use case, this can be a
327  * considerable performance improvement.
328  * @param t the table (used to obtain hash function)
329  * @param k a pointer to the key to lookup
330  * @return the key's hash
331  */
332 static _LH_INLINE unsigned long lh_get_hash(const struct lh_table *t, const void *k)
333 {
334         return t->hash_fn(k);
335 }
337 #undef _LH_INLINE
339 /**
340  * @deprecated Don't use this outside of linkhash.h:
341  */
342 #ifdef __UNCONST
343 #define _LH_UNCONST(a) __UNCONST(a)
344 #else
345 #define _LH_UNCONST(a) ((void *)(uintptr_t)(const void *)(a))
346 #endif
348 /**
349  * Return a non-const version of lh_entry.k.
350  *
351  * lh_entry.k is const to indicate and help ensure that linkhash itself doesn't modify
352  * it, but callers are allowed to do what they want with it.
353  * See also lh_entry.k_is_constant
354  */
355 #define lh_entry_k(entry) _LH_UNCONST((entry)->k)
357 /**
358  * Return a non-const version of lh_entry.v.
359  *
360  * v is const to indicate and help ensure that linkhash itself doesn't modify
361  * it, but callers are allowed to do what they want with it.
362  */
363 #define lh_entry_v(entry) _LH_UNCONST((entry)->v)
365 #ifdef __cplusplus
366 }
367 #endif
369 #endif

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