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  1 #include <assert.h>
  2 #include <stddef.h>
  3 #include <stdio.h>
  4 #include <stdlib.h>
  5 #include <string.h>
  7 #include "json.h"
  8 #include "json_tokener.h"
  9 #include "json_visit.h"
 11 static void test_basic_parse(void);
 12 static void test_utf8_parse(void);
 13 static void test_verbose_parse(void);
 14 static void test_incremental_parse(void);
 16 int main(void)
 17 {
 18         MC_SET_DEBUG(1);
 20         static const char separator[] = "==================================";
 21         test_basic_parse();
 22         puts(separator);
 23         test_utf8_parse();
 24         puts(separator);
 25         test_verbose_parse();
 26         puts(separator);
 27         test_incremental_parse();
 28         puts(separator);
 30         return 0;
 31 }
 33 static json_c_visit_userfunc clear_serializer;
 34 static void do_clear_serializer(json_object *jso);
 36 static void single_incremental_parse(const char *test_string, int clear_serializer)
 37 {
 38         int ii;
 39         int chunksize = atoi(getenv("TEST_PARSE_CHUNKSIZE"));
 40         struct json_tokener *tok;
 41         enum json_tokener_error jerr;
 42         json_object *all_at_once_obj, *new_obj;
 43         const char *all_at_once_str, *new_str;
 45         assert(chunksize > 0);
 46         all_at_once_obj = json_tokener_parse(test_string);
 47         if (clear_serializer)
 48                 do_clear_serializer(all_at_once_obj);
 49         all_at_once_str = json_object_to_json_string(all_at_once_obj);
 51         tok = json_tokener_new();
 52         int test_string_len = strlen(test_string) + 1; // Including '\0' !
 53         for (ii = 0; ii < test_string_len; ii += chunksize)
 54         {
 55                 int len_to_parse = chunksize;
 56                 if (ii + chunksize > test_string_len)
 57                         len_to_parse = test_string_len - ii;
 59                 if (getenv("TEST_PARSE_DEBUG") != NULL)
 60                         printf(" chunk: %.*s\n", len_to_parse, &test_string[ii]);
 61                 new_obj = json_tokener_parse_ex(tok, &test_string[ii], len_to_parse);
 62                 jerr = json_tokener_get_error(tok);
 63                 if (jerr != json_tokener_continue || new_obj)
 64                         break;
 65         }
 66         if (clear_serializer && new_obj)
 67                 do_clear_serializer(new_obj);
 68         new_str = json_object_to_json_string(new_obj);
 70         if (strcmp(all_at_once_str, new_str) != 0)
 71         {
 72                 printf("ERROR: failed to parse (%s) in %d byte chunks: %s != %s\n", test_string,
 73                        chunksize, all_at_once_str, new_str);
 74         }
 75         json_tokener_free(tok);
 76         if (all_at_once_obj)
 77                 json_object_put(all_at_once_obj);
 78         if (new_obj)
 79                 json_object_put(new_obj);
 80 }
 82 static void single_basic_parse(const char *test_string, int clear_serializer)
 83 {
 84         json_object *new_obj;
 86         new_obj = json_tokener_parse(test_string);
 87         if (clear_serializer)
 88                 do_clear_serializer(new_obj);
 89         printf("new_obj.to_string(%s)=%s\n", test_string, json_object_to_json_string(new_obj));
 90         json_object_put(new_obj);
 92         if (getenv("TEST_PARSE_CHUNKSIZE") != NULL)
 93                 single_incremental_parse(test_string, clear_serializer);
 94 }
 95 static void test_basic_parse()
 96 {
 97         single_basic_parse("\"\003\"", 0);
 98         single_basic_parse("/* hello */\"foo\"", 0);
 99         single_basic_parse("// hello\n\"foo\"", 0);
100         single_basic_parse("\"foo\"blue", 0);
101         single_basic_parse("\'foo\'", 0);
102         single_basic_parse("\"\\u0041\\u0042\\u0043\"", 0);
103         single_basic_parse("\"\\u4e16\\u754c\\u00df\"", 0);
104         single_basic_parse("\"\\u4E16\"", 0);
105         single_basic_parse("\"\\u4e1\"", 0);
106         single_basic_parse("\"\\u4e1@\"", 0);
107         single_basic_parse("\"\\ud840\\u4e16\"", 0);
108         single_basic_parse("\"\\ud840\"", 0);
109         single_basic_parse("\"\\udd27\"", 0);
110         // Test with a "short" high surrogate
111         single_basic_parse("[9,'\\uDAD", 0);
112         single_basic_parse("null", 0);
113         single_basic_parse("NaN", 0);
114         single_basic_parse("-NaN", 0); /* non-sensical, returns null */
116         single_basic_parse("Inf", 0); /* must use full string, returns null */
117         single_basic_parse("inf", 0); /* must use full string, returns null */
118         single_basic_parse("Infinity", 0);
119         single_basic_parse("infinity", 0);
120         single_basic_parse("-Infinity", 0);
121         single_basic_parse("-infinity", 0);
122         single_basic_parse("{ \"min\": Infinity, \"max\": -Infinity}", 0);
124         single_basic_parse("Infinity!", 0);
125         single_basic_parse("Infinitynull", 0);
126         single_basic_parse("InfinityXXXX", 0);
127         single_basic_parse("-Infinitynull", 0);
128         single_basic_parse("-InfinityXXXX", 0);
129         single_basic_parse("Infinoodle", 0);
130         single_basic_parse("InfinAAA", 0);
131         single_basic_parse("-Infinoodle", 0);
132         single_basic_parse("-InfinAAA", 0);
134         single_basic_parse("True", 0);
135         single_basic_parse("False", 0);
137         /* not case sensitive */
138         single_basic_parse("tRue", 0);
139         single_basic_parse("fAlse", 0);
140         single_basic_parse("nAn", 0);
141         single_basic_parse("iNfinity", 0);
143         single_basic_parse("12", 0);
144         single_basic_parse("12.3", 0);
146         /* Even though, when using json_tokener_parse() there's no way to
147          *  know when there is more data after the parsed object,
148          *  an object is successfully returned anyway (in some cases)
149          */
151         single_basic_parse("12.3.4", 0);
152         single_basic_parse("2015-01-15", 0);
153         single_basic_parse("12.3xxx", 0);
154         single_basic_parse("12.3{\"a\":123}", 0);
155         single_basic_parse("12.3\n", 0);
156         single_basic_parse("12.3 ", 0);
158         single_basic_parse("{\"FoO\"  :   -12.3E512}", 0);
159         single_basic_parse("{\"FoO\"  :   -12.3e512}", 0);
160         single_basic_parse("{\"FoO\"  :   -12.3E51.2}", 0);   /* non-sensical, returns null */
161         single_basic_parse("{\"FoO\"  :   -12.3E512E12}", 0); /* non-sensical, returns null */
162         single_basic_parse("[\"\\n\"]", 0);
163         single_basic_parse("[\"\\nabc\\n\"]", 0);
164         single_basic_parse("[null]", 0);
165         single_basic_parse("[]", 0);
166         single_basic_parse("[false]", 0);
167         single_basic_parse("[\"abc\",null,\"def\",12]", 0);
168         single_basic_parse("{}", 0);
169         single_basic_parse("{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }", 0);
170         single_basic_parse("{ \'foo\': \'bar\' }", 0);
171         single_basic_parse("{ \"foo\": \"bar\", \"baz\": null, \"bool0\": true }", 0);
172         single_basic_parse("{ \"foo\": [null, \"foo\"] }", 0);
173         single_basic_parse("{ \"abc\": 12, \"foo\": \"bar\", \"bool0\": false, \"bool1\": true, "
174                            "\"arr\": [ 1, 2, 3, null, 5 ] }",
175                            0);
176         single_basic_parse("{ \"abc\": \"blue\nred\\ngreen\" }", 0);
178         // Clear serializer for these tests so we see the actual parsed value.
179         single_basic_parse("null", 1);
180         single_basic_parse("false", 1);
181         single_basic_parse("[0e]", 1);
182         single_basic_parse("[0e+]", 1);
183         single_basic_parse("[0e+-1]", 1);
184         single_basic_parse("\"hello world!\"", 1);
186         // uint64/int64 range test
187         single_basic_parse("[9223372036854775806]", 1);
188         single_basic_parse("[9223372036854775807]", 1);
189         single_basic_parse("[9223372036854775808]", 1);
190         single_basic_parse("[-9223372036854775807]", 1);
191         single_basic_parse("[-9223372036854775808]", 1);
192         single_basic_parse("[-9223372036854775809]", 1);
193         single_basic_parse("[18446744073709551614]", 1);
194         single_basic_parse("[18446744073709551615]", 1);
195         single_basic_parse("[18446744073709551616]", 1);
196 }
198 static void test_utf8_parse()
199 {
200         // json_tokener_parse doesn't support checking for byte order marks.
201         // It's the responsibility of the caller to detect and skip a BOM.
202         // Both of these checks return null.
203         char *utf8_bom = "\xEF\xBB\xBF";
204         char *utf8_bom_and_chars = "\xEF\xBB\xBF{}";
205         single_basic_parse(utf8_bom, 0);
206         single_basic_parse(utf8_bom_and_chars, 0);
207 }
209 // Clear the re-serialization information that the tokener
210 // saves to ensure that the output reflects the actual
211 // values we parsed, rather than just the original input.
212 static void do_clear_serializer(json_object *jso)
213 {
214         json_c_visit(jso, 0, clear_serializer, NULL);
215 }
217 static int clear_serializer(json_object *jso, int flags, json_object *parent_jso,
218                             const char *jso_key, size_t *jso_index, void *userarg)
219 {
220         if (jso)
221                 json_object_set_serializer(jso, NULL, NULL, NULL);
222         return JSON_C_VISIT_RETURN_CONTINUE;
223 }
225 static void test_verbose_parse()
226 {
227         json_object *new_obj;
228         enum json_tokener_error error = json_tokener_success;
230         new_obj = json_tokener_parse_verbose("{ foo }", &error);
231         assert(error == json_tokener_error_parse_object_key_name);
232         assert(new_obj == NULL);
234         new_obj = json_tokener_parse("{ foo }");
235         assert(new_obj == NULL);
237         new_obj = json_tokener_parse("foo");
238         assert(new_obj == NULL);
239         new_obj = json_tokener_parse_verbose("foo", &error);
240         assert(new_obj == NULL);
242         /* b/c the string starts with 'f' parsing return a boolean error */
243         assert(error == json_tokener_error_parse_boolean);
245         puts("json_tokener_parse_verbose() OK");
246 }
248 struct incremental_step
249 {
250         const char *string_to_parse;
251         int length;
252         int char_offset;
253         enum json_tokener_error expected_error;
254         int reset_tokener; /* Set to 1 to call json_tokener_reset() after parsing */
255         int tok_flags;     /* JSON_TOKENER_* flags to pass to json_tokener_set_flags() */
256 } incremental_steps[] = {
258     /* Check that full json messages can be parsed, both w/ and w/o a reset */
259     {"{ \"foo\": 123 }", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
260     {"{ \"foo\": 456 }", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
261     {"{ \"foo\": 789 }", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
263     /* Check the comment parse*/
264     {"/* hello */{ \"foo\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
265     {"/* hello */:/* hello */", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
266     {"\"bar\"/* hello */", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
267     {"}/* hello */", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
268     {"/ hello ", -1, 1, json_tokener_error_parse_comment, 1},
269     {"/* hello\"foo\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 1},
270     {"/* hello*\"foo\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 1},
271     {"// hello\"foo\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 1},
273     /*  Check a basic incremental parse */
274     {"{ \"foo", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
275     {"\": {\"bar", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
276     {"\":13}}", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
278     /* Check the UTF-16 surrogate pair handling in various ways.
279          * Note: \ud843\udd1e is u+1D11E, Musical Symbol G Clef
280          * Your terminal may not display these correctly, in particular
281          *  PuTTY doesn't currently show this character.
282          */
283     /* parse one char at every time */
284     {"\"\\", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
285     {"u", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
286     {"d", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
287     {"8", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
288     {"3", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
289     {"4", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
290     {"\\", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
291     {"u", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
292     {"d", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
293     {"d", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
294     {"1", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
295     {"e\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
296     /* parse two char at every time */
297     {"\"\\u", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
298     {"d8", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
299     {"34", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
300     {"\\u", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
301     {"dd", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
302     {"1e\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
303     /* check the low surrogate pair */
304     {"\"\\ud834", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
305     {"\\udd1e\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
306     {"\"\\ud834\\", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
307     {"udd1e\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
308     {"\"\\ud834\\u", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
309     {"dd1e\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
310     {"\"fff \\ud834\\ud", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
311     {"d1e bar\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
312     {"\"fff \\ud834\\udd", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
313     {"1e bar\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
315     /* \ud83d\ude00 is U+1F600, Grinning Face
316          * Displays fine in PuTTY, though you may need "less -r"
317          */
318     {"\"fff \\ud83d\\ude", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
319     {"00 bar\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
321     /* Check that json_tokener_reset actually resets */
322     {"{ \"foo", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 1},
323     {": \"bar\"}", -1, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1},
325     /* Check incremental parsing with trailing characters */
326     {"{ \"foo", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
327     {"\": {\"bar", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
328     {"\":13}}XXXX", 10, 6, json_tokener_success, 0},
329     {"XXXX", 4, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1},
331     /* Check that trailing characters can change w/o a reset */
332     {"{\"x\": 123 }\"X\"", -1, 11, json_tokener_success, 0},
333     {"\"Y\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
335     /* Trailing characters should cause a failure in strict mode */
336     {"{\"foo\":9}{\"bar\":8}", -1, 9, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
338     /* ... unless explicitly allowed. */
339     {"{\"foo\":9}{\"bar\":8}", -1, 9, json_tokener_success, 0,
341     {"{\"b\":8}ignored garbage", -1, 7, json_tokener_success, 1,
344     /* To stop parsing a number we need to reach a non-digit, e.g. a \0 */
345     {"1", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
346     /* This should parse as the number 12, since it continues the "1" */
347     {"2", 2, 1, json_tokener_success, 0},
348     {"12{", 3, 2, json_tokener_success, 1},
349     /* Parse number in strict mode */
350     {"[02]", -1, 3, json_tokener_error_parse_number, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
352     {"0e+0", 5, 4, json_tokener_success, 1},
353     {"[0e+0]", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
355     /* The behavior when missing the exponent varies slightly */
356     {"0e", 2, 2, json_tokener_continue, 1},
357     {"0e", 3, 2, json_tokener_success, 1},
358     {"0e", 3, 2, json_tokener_error_parse_eof, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
359     {"[0e]", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
360     {"[0e]", -1, 3, json_tokener_error_parse_number, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
362     {"0e+", 3, 3, json_tokener_continue, 1},
363     {"0e+", 4, 3, json_tokener_success, 1},
364     {"0e+", 4, 3, json_tokener_error_parse_eof, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
365     {"[0e+]", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
366     {"[0e+]", -1, 4, json_tokener_error_parse_number, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
368     {"0e-", 3, 3, json_tokener_continue, 1},
369     {"0e-", 4, 3, json_tokener_success, 1},
370     {"0e-", 4, 3, json_tokener_error_parse_eof, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
371     {"[0e-]", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
372     {"[0e-]", -1, 4, json_tokener_error_parse_number, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
374     /* You might expect this to fail, but it won't because
375            it's a valid partial parse; note the char_offset: */
376     {"0e+-", 5, 3, json_tokener_success, 1},
377     {"0e+-", 5, 3, json_tokener_error_parse_number, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
378     {"[0e+-]", -1, 4, json_tokener_error_parse_number, 1},
380     /* Similar tests for other kinds of objects: */
381     /* These could all return success immediately, since regardless of
382            what follows the false/true/null token we *will* return a json object,
383        but it currently doesn't work that way.  hmm... */
384     {"false", 5, 5, json_tokener_continue, 1},
385     {"false", 6, 5, json_tokener_success, 1},
386     {"true", 4, 4, json_tokener_continue, 1},
387     {"true", 5, 4, json_tokener_success, 1},
388     {"null", 4, 4, json_tokener_continue, 1},
389     {"null", 5, 4, json_tokener_success, 1},
391     {"Infinity", 9, 8, json_tokener_success, 1},
392     {"infinity", 9, 8, json_tokener_success, 1},
393     {"-infinity", 10, 9, json_tokener_success, 1},
394     {"infinity", 9, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
395     {"-infinity", 10, 1, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
397     {"inf", 3, 3, json_tokener_continue, 0},
398     {"inity", 6, 5, json_tokener_success, 1},
399     {"-inf", 4, 4, json_tokener_continue, 0},
400     {"inity", 6, 5, json_tokener_success, 1},
402     {"i", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
403     {"n", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
404     {"f", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
405     {"i", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
406     {"n", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
407     {"i", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
408     {"t", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
409     {"y", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
410     {"", 1, 0, json_tokener_success, 1},
412     {"-", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
413     {"inf", 3, 3, json_tokener_continue, 0},
414     {"ini", 3, 3, json_tokener_continue, 0},
415     {"ty", 3, 2, json_tokener_success, 1},
417     {"-", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
418     {"i", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0},
419     {"nfini", 5, 5, json_tokener_continue, 0},
420     {"ty", 3, 2, json_tokener_success, 1},
422     {"-i", 2, 2, json_tokener_continue, 0},
423     {"nfinity", 8, 7, json_tokener_success, 1},
425     {"InfinityX", 10, 8, json_tokener_success, 0},
426     {"X", 1, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1},
428     {"Infinity1234", 13, 8, json_tokener_success, 0},
429     {"1234", 5, 4, json_tokener_success, 1},
431     {"Infinity9999", 8, 8, json_tokener_continue, 0},
433     /* returns the Infinity loaded up by the previous call: */
434     {"1234", 5, 0, json_tokener_success, 0},
435     {"1234", 5, 4, json_tokener_success, 1},
437     /* offset=1 because "n" is the start of "null".  hmm... */
438     {"noodle", 7, 1, json_tokener_error_parse_null, 1},
439     /* offset=2 because "na" is the start of "nan".  hmm... */
440     {"naodle", 7, 2, json_tokener_error_parse_null, 1},
441     /* offset=2 because "tr" is the start of "true".  hmm... */
442     {"track", 6, 2, json_tokener_error_parse_boolean, 1},
443     {"fail", 5, 2, json_tokener_error_parse_boolean, 1},
445     /* Although they may initially look like they should fail,
446          * the next few tests check that parsing multiple sequential
447          * json objects in the input works as expected
448          */
449     {"null123", 8, 4, json_tokener_success, 0},
450     {&"null123"[4], 4, 3, json_tokener_success, 1},
451     {"nullx", 6, 4, json_tokener_success, 0},
452     {&"nullx"[4], 2, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1},
453     {"{\"a\":1}{\"b\":2}", 15, 7, json_tokener_success, 0},
454     {&"{\"a\":1}{\"b\":2}"[7], 8, 7, json_tokener_success, 1},
456     /*
457          * Though this may seem invalid at first glance, it
458          * parses as three separate numbers, 2015, -1 and -15
459          * Of course, simply pasting together a stream of arbitrary
460          * positive numbers won't work, since there'll be no way to
461      * tell where in e.g. "2015015" the next number stats, so
462          * a reliably parsable stream must not include json_type_int
463          * or json_type_double objects without some other delimiter.
464          * e.g. whitespace
465          */
466     {&"2015-01-15"[0], 11, 4, json_tokener_success, 1},
467     {&"2015-01-15"[4], 7, 3, json_tokener_success, 1},
468     {&"2015-01-15"[7], 4, 3, json_tokener_success, 1},
469     {&"2015 01 15"[0], 11, 5, json_tokener_success, 1},
470     {&"2015 01 15"[4], 7, 4, json_tokener_success, 1},
471     {&"2015 01 15"[7], 4, 3, json_tokener_success, 1},
473     /* Strings have a well defined end point, so we can stop at the quote */
474     {"\"blue\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
476     /* Check each of the escape sequences defined by the spec */
477     {"\"\\\"\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
478     {"\"\\\\\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
479     {"\"\\b\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
480     {"\"\\f\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
481     {"\"\\n\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
482     {"\"\\r\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
483     {"\"\\t\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
484     {"\"\\/\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
485     // Escaping a forward slash is optional
486     {"\"/\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
487     /* Check wrong escape sequences */
488     {"\"\\a\"", -1, 2, json_tokener_error_parse_string, 1},
490     /* Check '\'' in strict model */
491     {"\'foo\'", -1, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
493     /* Parse array/object */
494     {"[1,2,3]", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
495     {"[1,2,3}", -1, 6, json_tokener_error_parse_array, 1},
496     {"{\"a\"}", -1, 4, json_tokener_error_parse_object_key_sep, 1},
497     {"{\"a\":1]", -1, 6, json_tokener_error_parse_object_value_sep, 1},
498     {"{\"a\"::1}", -1, 5, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1},
499     {"{\"a\":}", -1, 5, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1},
500     {"{\"a\":1,\"a\":2}", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
501     {"\"a\":1}", -1, 3, json_tokener_success, 1},
502     {"{\"a\":1", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 1},
503     {"[,]", -1, 1, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1},
504     {"[,1]", -1, 1, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1},
506     /* This behaviour doesn't entirely follow the json spec, but until we have
507          * a way to specify how strict to be we follow Postel's Law and be liberal
508          * in what we accept (up to a point).
509          */
510     {"[1,2,3,]", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
511     {"[1,2,,3,]", -1, 5, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 0},
513     {"[1,2,3,]", -1, 7, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
514     {"{\"a\":1,}", -1, 7, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT},
516     // utf-8 test
517     // acsll encoding
518     {"\x22\x31\x32\x33\x61\x73\x63\x24\x25\x26\x22", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1,
520     {"\x22\x31\x32\x33\x61\x73\x63\x24\x25\x26\x22", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
521     // utf-8 encoding
522     {"\x22\xe4\xb8\x96\xe7\x95\x8c\x22", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1,
524     {"\x22\xe4\xb8", -1, 3, json_tokener_error_parse_utf8_string, 0, JSON_TOKENER_VALIDATE_UTF8},
525     {"\x96\xe7\x95\x8c\x22", -1, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_utf8_string, 1,
527     {"\x22\xe4\xb8\x96\xe7\x95\x8c\x22", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1},
528     {"\x22\xcf\x80\xcf\x86\x22", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1, JSON_TOKENER_VALIDATE_UTF8},
529     {"\x22\xf0\xa5\x91\x95\x22", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1, JSON_TOKENER_VALIDATE_UTF8},
530     // wrong utf-8 encoding
531     {"\x22\xe6\x9d\x4e\x22", -1, 3, json_tokener_error_parse_utf8_string, 1,
533     {"\x22\xe6\x9d\x4e\x22", -1, 5, json_tokener_success, 1},
534     // GBK encoding
535     {"\x22\xc0\xee\xc5\xf4\x22", -1, 2, json_tokener_error_parse_utf8_string, 1,
537     {"\x22\xc0\xee\xc5\xf4\x22", -1, 6, json_tokener_success, 1},
538     // char after space
539     {"\x20\x20\x22\xe4\xb8\x96\x22", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1, JSON_TOKENER_VALIDATE_UTF8},
540     {"\x20\x20\x81\x22\xe4\xb8\x96\x22", -1, 2, json_tokener_error_parse_utf8_string, 1,
542     {"\x5b\x20\x81\x31\x5d", -1, 2, json_tokener_error_parse_utf8_string, 1,
544     // char in state inf
545     {"\x49\x6e\x66\x69\x6e\x69\x74\x79", 9, 8, json_tokener_success, 1},
546     {"\x49\x6e\x66\x81\x6e\x69\x74\x79", -1, 3, json_tokener_error_parse_utf8_string, 1,
548     // char in escape unicode
549     {"\x22\x5c\x75\x64\x38\x35\x35\x5c\x75\x64\x63\x35\x35\x22", 15, 14, json_tokener_success, 1,
551     {"\x22\x5c\x75\x64\x38\x35\x35\xc0\x75\x64\x63\x35\x35\x22", -1, 8,
552      json_tokener_error_parse_utf8_string, 1, JSON_TOKENER_VALIDATE_UTF8},
553     {"\x22\x5c\x75\x64\x30\x30\x33\x31\xc0\x22", -1, 9, json_tokener_error_parse_utf8_string, 1,
555     // char in number
556     {"\x31\x31\x81\x31\x31", -1, 2, json_tokener_error_parse_utf8_string, 1,
558     // char in object
559     {"\x7b\x22\x31\x81\x22\x3a\x31\x7d", -1, 3, json_tokener_error_parse_utf8_string, 1,
562     {NULL, -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0},
563 };
565 static void test_incremental_parse()
566 {
567         json_object *new_obj;
568         enum json_tokener_error jerr;
569         struct json_tokener *tok;
570         const char *string_to_parse;
571         int ii;
572         int num_ok, num_error;
574         num_ok = 0;
575         num_error = 0;
577         printf("Starting incremental tests.\n");
578         printf("Note: quotes and backslashes seen in the output here are literal values passed\n");
579         printf("     to the parse functions.  e.g. this is 4 characters: \"\\f\"\n");
581         string_to_parse = "{ \"foo"; /* } */
582         printf("json_tokener_parse(%s) ... ", string_to_parse);
583         new_obj = json_tokener_parse(string_to_parse);
584         if (new_obj == NULL)
585                 puts("got error as expected");
587         /* test incremental parsing in various forms */
588         tok = json_tokener_new();
589         for (ii = 0; incremental_steps[ii].string_to_parse != NULL; ii++)
590         {
591                 int this_step_ok = 0;
592                 struct incremental_step *step = &incremental_steps[ii];
593                 int length = step->length;
594                 size_t expected_char_offset;
596                 json_tokener_set_flags(tok, step->tok_flags);
598                 if (length == -1)
599                         length = (int)strlen(step->string_to_parse);
600                 if (step->char_offset == -1)
601                         expected_char_offset = length;
602                 else
603                         expected_char_offset = step->char_offset;
605                 printf("json_tokener_parse_ex(tok, %-12s, %3d) ... ", step->string_to_parse,
606                        length);
607                 new_obj = json_tokener_parse_ex(tok, step->string_to_parse, length);
609                 jerr = json_tokener_get_error(tok);
610                 if (step->expected_error != json_tokener_success)
611                 {
612                         if (new_obj != NULL)
613                                 printf("ERROR: invalid object returned: %s\n",
614                                        json_object_to_json_string(new_obj));
615                         else if (jerr != step->expected_error)
616                                 printf("ERROR: got wrong error: %s\n",
617                                        json_tokener_error_desc(jerr));
618                         else if (json_tokener_get_parse_end(tok) != expected_char_offset)
619                                 printf("ERROR: wrong char_offset %zu != expected %zu\n",
620                                        json_tokener_get_parse_end(tok), expected_char_offset);
621                         else
622                         {
623                                 printf("OK: got correct error: %s\n",
624                                        json_tokener_error_desc(jerr));
625                                 this_step_ok = 1;
626                         }
627                 }
628                 else
629                 {
630                         if (new_obj == NULL &&
631                             !(step->length >= 4 && strncmp(step->string_to_parse, "null", 4) == 0))
632                                 printf("ERROR: expected valid object, instead: %s\n",
633                                        json_tokener_error_desc(jerr));
634                         else if (json_tokener_get_parse_end(tok) != expected_char_offset)
635                                 printf("ERROR: wrong char_offset %zu != expected %zu\n",
636                                        json_tokener_get_parse_end(tok), expected_char_offset);
637                         else
638                         {
639                                 printf("OK: got object of type [%s]: %s\n",
640                                        json_type_to_name(json_object_get_type(new_obj)),
641                                        json_object_to_json_string(new_obj));
642                                 this_step_ok = 1;
643                         }
644                 }
646                 if (new_obj)
647                         json_object_put(new_obj);
649                 if (step->reset_tokener & 1)
650                         json_tokener_reset(tok);
652                 if (this_step_ok)
653                         num_ok++;
654                 else
655                         num_error++;
656         }
658         json_tokener_free(tok);
660         printf("End Incremental Tests OK=%d ERROR=%d\n", num_ok, num_error);
661 }

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