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  1 /*
  2  * netlink/errno.h              Error Numbers
  3  *
  4  *      This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  5  *      modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  6  *      License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1
  7  *      of the License.
  8  *
  9  * Copyright (c) 2008 Thomas Graf <tgraf@suug.ch>
 10  */
 12 #ifndef NETLINK_ERRNO_H_
 13 #define NETLINK_ERRNO_H_
 15 #ifdef __cplusplus
 16 extern "C" {
 17 #endif
 19 #define NLE_SUCCESS             0
 20 #define NLE_FAILURE             1
 21 #define NLE_INTR                2
 22 #define NLE_BAD_SOCK            3
 23 #define NLE_AGAIN               4
 24 #define NLE_NOMEM               5
 25 #define NLE_EXIST               6
 26 #define NLE_INVAL               7
 27 #define NLE_RANGE               8
 28 #define NLE_MSGSIZE             9
 29 #define NLE_OPNOTSUPP           10
 30 #define NLE_AF_NOSUPPORT        11
 31 #define NLE_OBJ_NOTFOUND        12
 32 #define NLE_NOATTR              13
 33 #define NLE_MISSING_ATTR        14
 34 #define NLE_AF_MISMATCH         15
 35 #define NLE_SEQ_MISMATCH        16
 36 #define NLE_MSG_OVERFLOW        17
 37 #define NLE_MSG_TRUNC           18
 38 #define NLE_NOADDR              19
 39 #define NLE_SRCRT_NOSUPPORT     20
 40 #define NLE_MSG_TOOSHORT        21
 41 #define NLE_MSGTYPE_NOSUPPORT   22
 42 #define NLE_OBJ_MISMATCH        23
 43 #define NLE_NOCACHE             24
 44 #define NLE_BUSY                25
 45 #define NLE_PROTO_MISMATCH      26
 46 #define NLE_NOACCESS            27
 47 #define NLE_PERM                28
 48 #define NLE_PKTLOC_FILE         29
 49 #define NLE_PARSE_ERR           30
 50 #define NLE_NODEV               31
 51 #define NLE_IMMUTABLE           32
 52 #define NLE_DUMP_INTR           33
 54 #define NLE_MAX                 NLE_DUMP_INTR
 56 extern const char *     nl_geterror(int);
 57 extern void             nl_perror(int, const char *);
 58 extern int              nl_syserr2nlerr(int);
 60 #ifdef __cplusplus
 61 }
 62 #endif
 64 #endif

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