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  1 The `replace()` function replaces the given regular expression or plain
  2 string pattern on the given subject value with the specified replacement.
  4 In case a regular expression with the global (`g`) modifier set or a
  5 string is passed as pattern, all found occurrences are replaced. In case
  6 a regular expression without global modifier is given, only the first
  7 match will be replaced.
  9 The replacement value may be either a string, which is inserted in place
 10 of the matched result after certain interpolation steps or a function
 11 which is invoked for each match and whose return value is used as
 12 replacement.
 14 The subject is implicitly converted to a string if it is not a string.
 16 The pattern is implicitly converted to a string if it is neither a string
 17 nor a regular expression value.
 19 The replacement value is implicitly converted to a string if it is neither
 20 a string nor a function value.
 22 Returns a copy of the input string with the match(es) replaced by their
 23 corresponding replacement values.
 25 Returns `null` either the subject, the pattern or the replacement value
 26 is `null`.
 28 -- Testcase --
 29 {%
 30         print(join("\n###\n", [
 31                 // Capitalize and reformat all key=value pairs using a callback
 32                 replace("kind=fruit name=strawberry color=red",
 33                         /([[:alpha:]])([[:alpha:]]*)=(.)([^= ]*) */g,
 34                         function(m, letter1, rest1, letter2, rest2) {
 35                                 return sprintf('%s%s: %s%s\n',
 36                                         uc(letter1), rest1,
 37                                         uc(letter2), rest2
 38                                 );
 39                         }),
 41                 // strike any three letter word
 42                 replace("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
 43                         /(^| )([[:alpha:]]{3})( |$)/g,
 44                         "$1<s>$2</s>$3"),
 46                 // highlight any vowel
 47                 replace("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
 48                         /[aeiou]/g,
 49                         "[$&]"),
 51                 // replace with fixed pattern
 52                 replace("foo bar foo baz foo qrx", "foo", "xxx"),
 54                 // testing all possible replacement interpolations
 55                 replace("before  abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz!  after",
 56                         / ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z!]{3}) /,
 57                         '|\n---\n' +
 58                         'Entire match ($$&):  [$&]\n' +
 59                         'Before match ($$`):  [$`]\n' +
 60                         "After match ($$'):   [$']\n" +
 61                         'Group 1 match ($$1): [$1]\n' +
 62                         'Group 2 match ($$2): [$2]\n' +
 63                         'Group 3 match ($$3): [$3]\n' +
 64                         'Group 4 match ($$4): [$4]\n' +
 65                         'Group 5 match ($$5): [$5]\n' +
 66                         'Group 6 match ($$6): [$6]\n' +
 67                         'Group 7 match ($$7): [$7]\n' +
 68                         'Group 8 match ($$8): [$8]\n' +
 69                         'Group 9 match ($$9): [$9]\n' +
 70                         'Literal $$:          [$$]\n' +
 71                         '---\n|'),
 73                 // testing that all captures are passed to the callback
 74                 replace("before  abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz!  after",
 75                         / ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z!]{3}) /,
 76                         function(m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9) {
 77                                 return sprintf(
 78                                         '|\n---\n' +
 79                                         'Entire match (arg 0):  [%s]\n' +
 80                                         'Group 1 match (arg 1): [%s]\n' +
 81                                         'Group 2 match (arg 2): [%s]\n' +
 82                                         'Group 3 match (arg 3): [%s]\n' +
 83                                         'Group 4 match (arg 4): [%s]\n' +
 84                                         'Group 5 match (arg 5): [%s]\n' +
 85                                         'Group 6 match (arg 6): [%s]\n' +
 86                                         'Group 7 match (arg 7): [%s]\n' +
 87                                         'Group 8 match (arg 8): [%s]\n' +
 88                                         'Group 9 match (arg 9): [%s]\n' +
 89                                         '---\n|',
 90                                         m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9
 91                                 );
 92                         }),
 94                 // the subject is implictly stringified
 95                 replace({ foo: true }, "foo", "xxx"),
 97                 // the pattern is implictly stringified
 98                 replace({ foo: true }, true, "false"),
100                 // the replacement is implictly stringified
101                 replace({ foo: true }, "foo", 0x7b),
103                 // special case: replace all empty matches
104                 replace("foo", "", "."),
105                 replace("foo", /()/g, ".")
106         ]), "\n");
107 %}
108 -- End --
110 -- Expect stdout --
111 Kind: Fruit
112 Name: Strawberry
113 Color: Red
115 ###
116 <s>The</s> quick brown <s>fox</s> jumps over <s>the</s> lazy <s>dog</s>
117 ###
118 Th[e] q[u][i]ck br[o]wn f[o]x j[u]mps [o]v[e]r th[e] l[a]zy d[o]g
119 ###
120 xxx bar xxx baz xxx qrx
121 ###
122 before |
123 ---
124 Entire match ($&):  [ abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz! ]
125 Before match ($`):  [before ]
126 After match ($'):   [ after]
127 Group 1 match ($1): [abc]
128 Group 2 match ($2): [def]
129 Group 3 match ($3): [ghi]
130 Group 4 match ($4): [jkl]
131 Group 5 match ($5): [mno]
132 Group 6 match ($6): [pqr]
133 Group 7 match ($7): [stu]
134 Group 8 match ($8): [vwx]
135 Group 9 match ($9): [yz!]
136 Literal $:          [$]
137 ---
138 | after
139 ###
140 before |
141 ---
142 Entire match (arg 0):  [ abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz! ]
143 Group 1 match (arg 1): [abc]
144 Group 2 match (arg 2): [def]
145 Group 3 match (arg 3): [ghi]
146 Group 4 match (arg 4): [jkl]
147 Group 5 match (arg 5): [mno]
148 Group 6 match (arg 6): [pqr]
149 Group 7 match (arg 7): [stu]
150 Group 8 match (arg 8): [vwx]
151 Group 9 match (arg 9): [yz!]
152 ---
153 | after
154 ###
155 { "xxx": true }
156 ###
157 { "foo": false }
158 ###
159 { "123": true }
160 ###
161 .f.o.o.
162 ###
163 .f.o.o.
164 -- End --
167 Omitting subject, pattern or replacement yields `null`.
169 -- Testcase --
170 {%
171         printf("%.J\n", [
172                 replace(null, "u", "x"),
173                 replace("nullnull", null, "x"),
174                 replace("foo", "o", null)
175         ]);
176 %}
177 -- End --
179 -- Expect stdout --
180 [
181         null,
182         null,
183         null
184 ]
185 -- End --
188 Exceptions in the callback terminate the replacement process and are
189 propagated to the calling context.
191 -- Testcase --
192 {%
193         replace("foo", "o", function(m) { die() });
194 %}
195 -- End --
197 -- Expect stderr --
198 Died
199 In [anonymous function](), line 2, byte 40:
200   called from function replace ([C])
201   called from anonymous function ([stdin]:2:43)
203  `    replace("foo", "o", function(m) { die() });`
204   Near here --------------------------------^
207 -- End --
210 An optional limit parameter controls the maximum amount of replacements.
212 -- Testcase --
213 {%
214         printf("%.J\n", [
215                 // negative limit performs no substitution
216                 replace("aaaaa", "a", "x", -1),
218                 // zero limit performs no substitution
219                 replace("aaaaa", "a", "x", 0),
221                 // positive limit
222                 replace("aaaaa", "a", "x", 3),
224                 // same rules apply to regex replaces:
225                 replace("foo bar baz", /[ao]/g, "x", -1),
226                 replace("foo bar baz", /[ao]/g, "x", 0),
227                 replace("foo bar baz", /[ao]/g, "x", 3),
228         ]);
229 %}
230 -- End --
232 -- Expect stdout --
233 [
234         "aaaaa",
235         "aaaaa",
236         "xxxaa",
237         "foo bar baz",
238         "foo bar baz",
239         "fxx bxr baz"
240 ]
241 -- End --

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