1 The `b64dec()` function decodes the given base64 input string. 2 3 Returns a string containing the decoded data. 4 5 Returns `null` if the input is not a string or if the input string was 6 invalid base64 data (e.g. missing padding or non-whitespace characters 7 outside the expected alphabet). 8 9 -- Testcase -- 10 {% 11 printf("%.J\n", [ 12 b64dec("SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="), 13 b64dec("SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ"), 14 b64dec("AAECAw=="), 15 b64dec("xxx"), 16 b64dec("==="), 17 b64dec(true) 18 ]); 19 %} 20 -- End -- 21 22 -- Expect stdout -- 23 [ 24 "Hello, world!", 25 null, 26 "\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003", 27 null, 28 null, 29 null 30 ] 31 -- End --
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